NS1 compared to Dyn

On this page you can find an overview of the features and pricing of NS1 and Dyn. We hope this helps you compare these two Content Delivery Networks. You can find additional tips that help you select the right provider here.
Fully supported Partially supported Additional costs Not supported Unknown
CDN balancing (DNS)Fully supportedFully supported
CDNsNot supportedNot supported
DataFully supportedFully supported
Integrated solutionNot supportedNot supported

CDN balancing (DNS)

CDN balancing (DNS)Fully supportedFully supported
FailoverFully supportedFully supported
Selection levelCountry level, state level (US) and AS (NS1 Pulsar)Country level, state level (US)


CDNs in offerN/AN/A
Purge AllN/AN/A
Instant PurgeN/AN/A
Control panelN/AN/A
Origin PushN/AN/A
Origin PullN/AN/A
Origin ShieldN/AN/A
Custom RulesN/AN/A
HTTP/2 ProtocolN/AN/A
SPDY ProtocolN/AN/A
Raw Access LogsN/AN/A
Real time statisticsN/AN/A
Online signupN/AN/A
Shared SSL CertificatesN/AN/A
Custom SSL CertificatesN/AN/A
Wildcard SSL CertificatesN/AN/A
RTMP StreamingN/AN/A
Video On Demand (VoD)N/AN/A


RUM dataFully supportedNot supported
Synthetic dataFully supportedFully supported



24×7 Email support (Business Plan)

24×7 Email and Phone support (Pro and Enterprise Plan)

Community, Phone and Email support
Additional featuresDedicated DNS, NS1 PulsarEmail delivery, domain registration, remote access, Internet intelligence

Pricing NS1 vs Dyn


NSONE Description

NSONE or NS1 is a provider of intelligent DNS and traffic management services. The company is headquartered in New York, and has offices in San Francisco and in Singapore. Founded in 2013 by a team with first-hand experience in building content delivery networks (CDNs), infrastructure APIs and cloud platforms, NSONE came about to enable and improve present day’s dynamic infrastructures.

NS1 leverages infrastructure, network and real time user data to allow customers on their platform to create customised routing setups for a wide variety of applications. They offer data driven traffic management, managed DNS and dedicated DNS. Their product Pulsar is designed for real-time performance-based traffic routing, and offers fully automated traffic management functionality that can be used in a multi-CDN solution.

Note that NS1 does not include a content delivery network in its offering. Customers interested in their services will need to acquire multiple CDNs elsewhere in order to build a multi-CDN solution.

Current and or past customers of NS1 include Yelp, imgur, PulsePoint, onelogin, Algolia, Teridion, Thaifriendly, CDN provider MaxCDN and multi-CDN provider TurboBytes.

The network status of NS1 can be viewed here. The company has had periods of downtime and degraded performance, which have had a direct impact on clients. For more comparative information specifically on DNS performance we recommend websites such as DNSPerf.

DYN Description

Dyn is a web performance management company headquartered in New Hampshire, USA with offices in San Francisco, England, and Australia. Dyn started out in 2001 as an open-source project by former Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) undergrads Jeremy Hitchcock, Tom Daly, Tim Wilde and Chris Reinhardt. Originally, the company went by the name Dynamic DNS Network Services Incorporated.

Nowadays, Dyn provides services such as data traffic management, dynamic DNS, geoDNS, Internet intelligence and domain registration. When building a multi-CDN solution using Dyn, their traffic manager and DNS are needed, and their Internet intelligence product.

Notable customers of Dyn are, or have been Netflix, Twitter, Zappos, Pandora Radio, Tumblr, CNBC and Hershey’s.

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